Thursday, May 26, 2011


Don't really have much to say today. He got this bubble blower at his birthday and it took him less than an hour today to use up all the bubbles.

This last pic I was attempting to get a shot of him going after bubbles, didn't turn out too well. Oh well.

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's winding down now.

Only a little over 3 weeks now and this little guy is welcome to make his appearance because I will be 37 weeks and considered full term! Wow. I am 33 weeks 4 days, just shy of a week away from where I was in my pregnancy when Andy was born! It is FLYING BY!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

If there's anything I have learned while living in Cheyenne...

It's that you need to fully enjoy the sunny and warm days around here because there's no telling when the next one will be!!!!!

Sorry Ladies

I know some of you are craving Olive Garden as much as me. :) It was soooooo good. I didn't get a panini because that's a lunch-only item. But this was delicious!!!!

May in Cheyenne

This is what I woke up to on Thursday morning. Lovely, right? Seriously, there is no reason for this. It kept right on snowing most of the morning but by afternoon it was slightly warmer and all melted. Ugh... Bipolar weather indeed.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Gift!

Just having fun. Thank you, Stacey Gibbon, for making this super cute bow! I'm not sure if I like the b&w versions or color better and which side I prefer to be facing. I think they turned out ok though, minus the shadows. I will be 33 weeks tomorrow!!! :)

Thank You Peeps!!!!

Because I do not have all your addresses nor do I have any idea who gave me what (except for a few things) I had to think of an alternative way to say a big huge thanks to my peeps for putting together one awesome baby shower! Going back over the events of that day I think I was one of the lamest shower honorees ever. I don't remember showing off most of the presents that were unwrapped (though in my defense, Andy unwrapped a good portion of them) so I wanted to included photos of the gifts! If you click on the photo you can see a bigger version and see things more clearly! Not shown are a few things - the awesome crib mattress that is now in the crib, the beautiful diaper cake that had several swaddling blankets, wash cloths and baby wash, a set of baby spoons, the box of Pampers, and possibly other things I might have left out (like the cupcakes that I just finished today *sniff*). Obviously you guys are amazing and have spoiled me immensely and for that I am grateful! I'm so lucky to be friends with such a wonderful group of women. You are amazing and I love you! Thank you so much for everything!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Playing with my new toy.

We decided to buy a smaller point and shoot camera to keep handy for regular use when we don't feel like carting around our big camera case for the Nikon. So we decided on the Canon Power Shot A3000IS. These are some of the first pics taken with it. Not too bad, for being so cheap I think it's pretty good!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Be jealous, be very jealous!

That, my friends, is a cupcake from Georgetown Cupcakes. THE cupcakery featured on the show DC Cupcakes. Their cupcakes are FAN.TAS.TIC. Absolutely amazing. Just be glad I didn't post a picture of the chocolate one. ::::drool:::: So sorry to brag, but you have to know. Thank you so much Amanda Strine and all my peeps for getting these for my surprise shower yesterday! I've been waiting to eat one all day while at work! I LOVE THEM!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Who says boys can't have cute clothes too?

I love these!!! I had an amazing day today! Some of the most awesome women in the whole world who I am lucky enough to know planned a surprise baby shower for me this morning! Unfortunately for me I didn't have MY camera handy at the time, it was in the car across the street, so I don't have my own pics to post. I might steal some of theirs to post tomorrow. :) So instead you get some of the adorable outfits they gave us for the baby. Maybe in a later post you'll get to see some of the other swag I picked up! It was a great day for baby Newcomb and I. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Ok so I might be slacking a little bit. I *do* take pics every day, I just might not be posting them every day. Here are a couple from yesterday. This must have been a Mother's Day thing, but I'm not sure because I only noticed it yesterday. It was in Andy's classroom at school. There are some very good responses on there.... :)

And of course I had to include Andy's! lol

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We could all use a reminder once in a while...

to make sure and enjoy nice weather while we have it! Especially when you live somewhere as lame as Cheyenne! It's ok, I *did* fully enjoy the lovely weather over the weekend! It could be worse!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's alive!

Well I was trying to embed a video of the baby performing somersaults in my stomach but I can't get it to work right so I'll just link you to it on Facebook. No pics today, I'm not feeling well today. :-(

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Someday he'll figure out water=wet

This was just a few minutes before he fell in the water. Lol

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Andy Monster!

Andy's birthday party at the bowling alley was tonight. It was super fun, he got some awesome presents and all of his friends and him had a great time! My parents and mother-in-law also decided to fly in and surprise us for the weekend! I couldn't ask for anything better. Tomorrow will be a great day too! Andy's birthday party was just perfect! (Ok well almost).

And here's my parents and Nana at the IHOP where they surprised me this morning! I love my family!

Friday, May 6, 2011

My *sniff* 4 Year Old!

So admittedly I am slacking a little bit on posting everyday. I blame it on pregnancy brain causing memory loss. I do, however, 99% of the time anyway, remember to take pictures. I just don't always post one. I think I'm excused though since I post extras on most days! These are the pics I took for Andy turning 4. He's almost too big to even use the chair! It was fun though and a beautiful Cheyenne day (took these yesterday).

And this, my friends, is why I love this kid. He is ALWAYS good for a laugh.

This picture cracks me up because it was him watching his balloons float away into the clouds! lol. He looks so pitiful. I love it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More blue for Randi.

Not sure how I feel about these. I like them, but that flash monster is in a couple of them. Hopefully I'll be getting rid of him soon with my new Lightscoop! Haven't used it yet! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My big boy *sniff*

Doesn't he have the cutest little face and smile you've ever seen? I know it. He's going to be 4 years old in just 3 more days!!!!!! *sigh* I can't believe how fast it's gone by!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wearing blue for Randi

My extended family (the May 2007 Moms group from Babycenter) is hurting today. We're praying for a miracle for one of our own today, Randi Currier. Randi is currently fighting both brain and lung cancer. She just celebrated her 30th birthday. Please, take a moment to pray for her, her husband and their 4 adorable little girls. We are all wearing blue in support of her and her family! Any thoughts and prayers you can spare are very much appreciated!

I treasure these moments!

Because they are so rare nowadays! Andy fell asleep in the car on the way back from grocery shopping. Around 6 pm and before we had dinner. After he'd slept for over an hour on the couch we decided to just put him into his bed 2 hours early! It was pretty awesome to have all that free time. He still slept all night!