Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Buddy

It's on to day two, who shall my victim...err subject... be today? Well seeing as I made it through the whole day leaving my camera at home, I was left to improvise with what I have at home tonight. Here is my Buddy, aka Buddy the Tank, aka the mop (I haven't the faintest idea where this nickname could have come from). My sweet dog, ever the willing subject as long as there are treats involved... :)


  1. Hehe! Love the pictures and his nickname as the mop. LOL

  2. Very cute dog! I bet he's a ton of fun to play with! He reminds me a bit of the dog from The Little Mermaid... except that dog was white and gray. What was that dog's name?!?! I love the detail of every hair!

  3. Love the second pic! He is too cute!
